
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change

Under this programme, JUHUDI works with the communities to reduce the negative effects of drought and other disasters and therefore save lives of the community members and secure their livelihoods and foundation of community assets.

Like other Horn of Africa’s countries, Kenya has been suffering the adverse effects of climate change. The erratic weather patterns in the counties that have seen vagaries of floods, drought and heat waves – have affected farms productivity and the overall food security situation of communities. Competition for water resources and diminishing pasture has increased, therefore spawning resource-based conflicts that have also taken a communal perspective.

The organisation will support initiatives geared towards combating and mitigating the impact of climate change among the local communities due to the reason that the effects of climate change have got far reaching effects on livelihoods. The organisation will build the capacity of communities in climate adaptation – especially on alternative livelihoods sources such as green entrepreneurship, growing of drought resistant crops and modern post-harvest and food preservation technologies.  The organisation will also encourage and support communities to establish eco-friendly enterprises focusing on agriculture, renewable energy, water conservation and eco-tourism among others to support our climate change agenda.

The organisation also promote and support the environment and natural resources conservation initiatives among the local communities

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