Drought Emergency Interventions In Marsabit County

Marsabit County, the largest county in Kenya in land size, is currently experiencing the worst drought in four decades after five seasons of failed rains. The county is in the critical EMERGENCY phase of the crisis according to humanitarian agency FEWSNET. 1The county has been facing acute water and food shortage with over 98% of its open water sources having dried up according to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) January 2023 report. Read More

About Us

Addressing Humanitarian and developement challenges

Juhudi Mashinani supports the underprivileged communities in Arid and Semi-arid Lands (ASALs) to address their humanitarian and development challenges. Registered as a non-profit organisation with Registration No. CLG-YXFA5G, the organisation draws its name from two Swahili words ‘Juhudi’ for effort and Mashinani which means grassroots. The name encompasses the organisation’s work of rallying grassroots communities’ efforts (JUHUDI) to sustainably develop their grassroots initatives.


Our Vision

Communities inspired to work towards a hopeful future

Our theory of change

We believe that communities understand their development challenges and should therefore be at the frontline solving these challenges.

Our Mission

To promote social change and inclusion for the social development and integration of underprivileged communities

Our Services

Key Thematic Areas


Education is the greatest equalizer. It gives children from underprivileged backgrounds a fighting chance in life. For children from Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands, education remains a far-fetched dream..

Sustainable Livelihoods

Livelihoods are the capabilities, assets, and activities required for a means of living. Livelihoods are deemed sustainable when they can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance their capabilities, assets, and activities .

Peace & Governance

The peace component of this programme seeks to promote inter-communal harmony and peace in the northern region of the country. The organisation create platforms for inter-communal engagements such as sports, cultural events, among others.

Climate Change

Under this programme, JUHUDI works with the communities to reduce the negative effects of drought and other disasters and therefore save lives of the community members and secure their livelihoods and foundation of community assets.


JUHUDI has 7-member Board of Directors (4 men and 3 men). The Board of Directors steers the organisation toward a sound future by ensuring that it’s fulfilling its mission in the most effective way possible.

Disability Mainstreaming

Persons with disabilities in Arid and Semi-arid Lands (ASALs) , like all parts of Kenya, face attitudinal and stereotypical barriers. While the country has enacted the Persons With Disabilities Act (2003).

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

The northern region of Kenya is largely arid and/or semi-arid. They lack permanent rivers. Many people in these regions lack piped water. They depend on the rare rain water as well as shallow wells and water pans.

Our Innovative Model

Confronting the pressing challenges in the world will require innovation and collaboration. To realise our humanitarian and sustainable development model in Arid and Semi-Arid Counties, we embrace innovation. Our work is grounded on research, data and new thinking.

Our Core Values

Juhudi Mashinani supports the underprivileged communities in Marsabit County Arid and Semi-arid Lands (ASALs) to address their humanitarian and development challenges.

Our Capacity

Leadership & Management

JUHUDI has 7-member Board of Directors (4 men and 3 men). The Board of Directors steers the organisation toward a sound future by ensuring that it’s fulfilling its mission in the most effective way possible.

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Board of Directors

The Board provides oversight and provides strategic and policy direction to the organisation. The Board also ensures that the organisation is adequately resourced, hires the Executive Director and undertakes quality control of the organisation’s programmatic work.


The staff at the organisation are responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the Board of Directors. The organisation has a Management team that undertakes functional roles while staff undertake tactical roles.


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